Thursday 9 September 2010

My new hoody!

I finally have a twilight hoody! It says "Edward Cullen Stopped My Heart" I'm wearing it now whilst doing homework and watching New Moon :D LAAAVVVV ITT :D

Monday 6 September 2010

Sleepless Night

Last night I decided that I would get an early night, because I had school today, so I went to sleep at around 10:30pm or 11pm. I woke up at 4:04am because I was really thirsty, so I got a drink then went back to bed. I lay in bed for an hour without getting to sleep, so in the end I gave up and went on facebook on my iPod! I've been tired all day, and right now I could actually fall asleep and never wake up ever again. How can people wake up really early in the morning without getting tired in the day? I find it almost impossible tbh!
I might have a little sleep before my dinner, so byee!


Sunday 5 September 2010

Just my luck!

I went to my auntie and uncle's today and whilst picking apples from their apple tree I got whacked on the head with one and hit in the lip with one (my lip is now swollen). Just to top that off, I got cat poo on the only shoes that fit me (because my feet have now grown to size 5) and now I've had to throw them away because I cannot stand the smell.

Let me clarify that that would never happen to anyone else in one day hour except me.

I have to print off Sam's timetable for school and pack my schoolbag now, so byee!

Millie x

Saturday 4 September 2010

Back to School - Good, or Bad??

On Monday, I'm going into year 9 (8th Grade I think?) and I can't help feeling a little excited; it's strange what 7 weeks off can do to you! I reckon it's just finding out the teachers I have and which of my friends are in my lessons. I am definitely not looking forward to getting up 4 hours earlier than usual and having to wear my uniform and getting constantly told to close my top button, pull my tie up, tighten my tie etc. - apparently uniform discipline is getting worse this year. My little brother started high school yesterday, and having the two things that annoy me most (little brothers and year 7s) in one person living with and being with him all day doesn't sound at all fun to me, I guess I'll just ignore him in school so I'm not constantly annoyed and heated up.
I'm excited to see my friends; my bestest friends and the friends I never saw over the holidays mainly. I'm not so excited to see the people who make me want to kill them, but that can't be helped, there will always be people like that, it's high school :/

Well, that's it from me :)
Comment with your feelings on going back to school, good or bad :)

Millie x

Thursday 2 September 2010


My 4 year old cousin started school today and it brought back memories from my first year of school. 
I remember walking up my street with my mum and my little brother and guessing what my teacher would look like. I don't remember going into the school, but I remember seeing my friend from pre-school outside and saying hello to her; I don't really like her anymore to be honest :')
I got told off a few times in the first year, for talking and skipping in the classroom, but my memory is very strange as I remember strange things from it, like having a teddy bears picnic and having a teddy who snored and getting it took off me because I kept pressing the button to make it snore; my friend Sophie spelling "Bow" right; a boy drinking paint and being sick; feeling smug when a girl got told off for biting her nails, and the teacher didn't tell me off.
I'm going up to my old primary school like now, so I can see her when she comes out, so I'm going now,

Millie xx 

Wednesday 1 September 2010

"She is a talented performer" - Will, Glee

So I'm watching the Glee episode "The Rhodes not Taken" and Will Schuester says to Emma "She is a talented performer" about April, his friend from High School (That has nothing to do with this blog post, I just felt like using a quote) Well, I find it a coincidence that Finn and Rachel go bowling, since I'm going bowling today :')

I know, it's a really bad blog post, but practice makes perfect, I tried to look through other's blogs, but they were all about like photography or something :/

So, That's all :)

Millie xx

Tuesday 31 August 2010

The First One ♥

Soooo.... welcome to my blog :)
 I'm Millie, I'm 13 and I'm obsessed with Twilight :) I'm currently writing a fan fiction about Twilight found at this address :D <--Thats where all the Twilight stuff is, but this is a blog about my life, not just Twilight :) Okay, I've mentioned Twilight 3 times already :S Make that 4 :')

Enough of that though, I'll start by telling you exactly what I'm doing, writing this and listening to Glee (Yes, I'm a Gleek too!). I reeeaaalllyyy need a drink, but I can't be bothered to go downstairs to get one :/

I don't know if you've noticed, but I have no idea how to write a blog :/ I think once I've posted this, I'll have a look at other people's blogs and get a few tips :')

I'll post new blog posts whenever I feel like, so to make sure you don't miss any, follow me :D

Millie xx