Saturday 4 September 2010

Back to School - Good, or Bad??

On Monday, I'm going into year 9 (8th Grade I think?) and I can't help feeling a little excited; it's strange what 7 weeks off can do to you! I reckon it's just finding out the teachers I have and which of my friends are in my lessons. I am definitely not looking forward to getting up 4 hours earlier than usual and having to wear my uniform and getting constantly told to close my top button, pull my tie up, tighten my tie etc. - apparently uniform discipline is getting worse this year. My little brother started high school yesterday, and having the two things that annoy me most (little brothers and year 7s) in one person living with and being with him all day doesn't sound at all fun to me, I guess I'll just ignore him in school so I'm not constantly annoyed and heated up.
I'm excited to see my friends; my bestest friends and the friends I never saw over the holidays mainly. I'm not so excited to see the people who make me want to kill them, but that can't be helped, there will always be people like that, it's high school :/

Well, that's it from me :)
Comment with your feelings on going back to school, good or bad :)

Millie x

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